(1) I'm afraid this blog has become a bit cobwebby. If you were enjoying reading it, I'm sorry, but it was getting a bit time-consuming to maintain. You might say that the more recent blog at AVIEN has largely replaced it. Of course, I may come back to it at some point.
(2) I just use (sometimes) this blog to write articles. It’s not used for e-commerce. I don’t use this blog to collect any sort of personal information about its readers or subscribers, and of course I certainly don’t share or sell on any such information. I do not maintain any kind of mailing list and I don’t send out a newsletter, so I don’t have a reader/subscriber database. When and if I answer comments or comment threads, that’s as far as it goes: I don’t use them to collect information about people who choose to comment.
When you provide some form of feedback to a blog, comment, follow or subscribe by email and so on, you do provide information to the provider, in this case Google. While some of that information may be available to me, I don’t actually collect it or make use of it except as described above: I value your privacy as much as my own.
David Harley